Do you experience any of the following?
- Sweating
- Rapid heart rate
- Fatigue
- Weight loss or gain
- Dry skin
- Hair loss
- Intolerance to the cold
- Spontaneous miscarriage
- Stress
Or you have been trying to fall pregnant and keep miscarrying, and only have maybe one of the above symptoms?
Have you had your thyroid checked recently? Did your doctor also check for thyroid antibodies?
Autoimmune thyroid disease can present with symptoms, of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, or no symptoms at all other than trouble staying pregnant.
What is autoimmune thyroid disease?
Autoimmune thyroid disease is a genetic predisposition, whereby the immune system has malfunctioned and attacks the body’s own cells and tissue.Your thyroid is responsible for producing peroxidase (T3) and thyroglobulin (T4) and in the case of ATD, antibodies are formed against these hormones. It is thought to be caused by many factors including deficiencies in nutrients such as magnesium, selenium, iodine, zinc, vitamins A and B12.
This is found to happen more commonly in people that produce little to no symptoms, and tends to affect women more than men. Indeed in a study by Konastantios, A, T et al (2010), he observes that there is an association between spontaneous miscarriage and autoimmune thyroid disease.
Interesting facts
- Magnesium is needed for the healthy production of the placental lining.
- Magnesium deficiency is also related to stress, many women undergoing IVF, or having troubles conceiving naturally become very stressed.
- Stuefer, S et al (2015), found in their study that women with a higher blood level of magnesium had a higher rate of successful pregnancies.
- Konastantios, A, T et al (2010), found that women who suffered autoimmune thyroid disease had a two fold higher risk of spontaneous miscarriage than those who do not suffer the disease.
- Combining correct nutrient levels with women trying to conceive and relaxation techniques has been proved to improve pregnancy rates and reduce the occasion of spontaneous miscarriage.
What can help if you have or suspect you have autoimmune thyroid disease
- Increase your intake of the following nutrients & botanicals (consult your nutritionist/naturopath first)
- Vitamin D3
- Rosmatinic acid
- Guggul
- Blue flag
- Selenium
- Iodine
- Increase your magnesium intake, especially if trying to become pregnant – whole wheat grains, spinach, quinoa, and almonds are all high in magnesium
- Reduce stress levels using techniques that work for you – everyone is different here!
- Incorporate aerobic exercise into your lifestyle to stimulate the production of T3 and T4 hormones.
The medical and/or nutritional information above is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition
Friedman, M, ND. (2013). Autoimmune thyroid diseases: Treating with nutrients and botanicals. Autoimmune/Allergy, Endocrinology. Sited 17th of March 2018 http://ndnr.com/autoimmuneallergy-medicine/autoimmune-thyroid-disease/
Stuefer, S., Moncayo, H., Moncayo, R (2015). The role of magnesium and thyroid function in early pregnancy after in-vitro fertilization (IVF): New aspects in endocrine physiology ‘BBA Clinical’ 3, 196–204
Toulis, K, A., Goulis, D, G., Venetis, C, A., Kolibianakis, E, M., Negro, N., Tarlatzis, B, C., and Papadima, I. (2010) Risk of spontaneous miscarriage in euthyroid women with thyroid autoimmunity undergoing IVF: a meta-analysis.’European Journal of Endocrinology’ 162 643–652